A water and airtight but vapour permeable polyester based breather membrane, for external use.
Used either as a full façade application or in narrower widths as a window perimeter interface seal. Combined with SP025 Fire Membrane Adhesive, the illbruck Fire Classified Membrane System complies with the reaction to fire classification Class B-s1, d0 according to EN13501-1 and also meets W1 water resistance, permanent UV stability and the correct vapour permeability criteria.
Can be directly laid on sheathing board or thermal insulation behind partially or fully open rain screen façades or curtain walling. Suitable for full façade or window perimeter sealing applications.
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- Permanently UV-resistant
- Class B-s1, d0 to EN13501-1 – fixed to Class A2-s1, d0 mineral wool insulation or sheathing board. Tested with SP025 adhesive as a Fire Classified Membrane System
- High range of in-service temperature resistance
- Highly vapour-open
- Non-branded, plain black finish – suitable for visible applications
- Airtight and weather-tight
- Available with self-adhesive strip
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